“Lauren is truly a genius for busy professionals looking to find love. She helped me find peace, support and at the same time was extremely tactical. I love working with her because she thrives on forward, measurable progress. I am pretty fantastic at success in my work life, but Lauren has challenged me to find the same drive in my personal life. Lauren gets me. She is patient, but knows when to kick my butt into gear to get through fear instead of dwelling in it.
“I met a guy two months into Lauren’s program! He is making me dinner this Wednesday and asked me what my favorite flowers are. He went to church with me yesterday, texts me throughout the day and is available when I need to chat with him. He asks about my kids and parents and has made it clear that he is ready to meet everyone in my life, AND he asked if I wanted to meet his friends and their children this weekend for a get together. He is so precious and I feel so respected and adored. I have never felt this way EVER with a man. It’s so beautiful and I am in awe of the new type of love I have attracted now that I have healed my wounds. The work Lauren teaches is a miracle!”